This is going to short and sweet. In a fairly recent study of a 100 great lives lived; there was an essential key that made their success possible. Time! The amount of Time they spent, and put into their craft.
How many hours does one need to put into their craft to be considered one of the greats? The studied concluded, 8 Thousand hours each person on the list had to put in to make this list!
That's right! Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Steve Jobs, Ray Lewis, Warren Buffett, Martha Stewart and on and on put no less than 8k hours into their craft! Basically, that will run each of them 200 weeks if they put in 8 hours per day.
Most likely the time they put in was more like 225 weeks! I.E 4.3 years! Day in and out!
Now That's Sweat Equity
David Conigliaro LINK