Sunday, July 19, 2015

How To Stay Motivated Through Failure

In Frank Betger's book "How I raised myself from Failure to success in selling " 

It's a story of setbacks to running full steam ahead! From rags to wealth. The book is about Frank Betger who grew up during the great recession of the late 1920s and 30s. Frank was a Professional baseball player that blew his arm out in his early 20s, then had to figure out how to earn a living now that sports was out of the picture. 

He got into sales. Selling Life Insurance. Back in those days cold calling in the great recession was very, very hard. Most people were just merely trying to hang on by the skin of their teeth. Water down milk and juice just to make it last longer.

Fast forward in the book. After his first year selling life insurance.... and, about a thousand cold calls later. Frank decided to look at his "record" on the phone. He had a daily log of all the calls he made that year. He averaged something like 8 sales for every 100 calls he would make! 

That's only a 8% success rate. Most people would get discouraged by that. Not Frank. He had a different perspective. He calculated the money he earned in a year divided by the amount of calls he made. 

The answer? He earned  $2.30 per  phone call he would make! He laughed to him self. And said "I'm going to call as many people as possible in a day! 

Year after year he got better and better on the phone. And eventually he was closing at something like 35% cold calling during the greatest recession in U.S history!  

What's your excuse? 

David Conigliaro is a Business Trainer, and Marketing specialist. C.E.O of Premium Services 

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