Right now, (though this will change) before making a perceived major purchase the average American will look first to their desktop. Second, their tablet. Then third their smartphone, according to a Cardone study. In that order.
Before we start talking about Homes, Cars, Appliances, And Landscaping. We need to focus on a more important question.
What is considered a major purchase? It's very vague when you think about it, and subjective.
But what is considered a "major purchase" Well according to a survey conducted by Mom's across the country the survey concluded that anything priced over $250 was considered a major purchase! That's right. Anything! So, if you are a sales professional. And you sell products or services priced over $250 you need to understand that your average customer has been researching what you are offering for up to 11 hours!
But maybe you're saying "Not my customers. They have more wealth than most." Great! But you need to know this, Even if we move up a tax bracket it doesn't matter a whole lot. Because another survey concluded that even if we move from $50k per year to $75k per year median income for your consumer they will perceive anything priced at $275 a major buying purchase worthy of up to 11 hours investigating online.
My advice? If you have Services and products valued above $250, $300, $500 etc... Be sure you are flooding the web with reasons why they should buy from you over everyone else!