Your budget isn't the problem, your income is. If you've given up on it by playing games with budgets then you're going to go broke. If you want to stay in the middle class you need to keep watching the news, following the politicians and depending on the president to fix your money.
Here are a list of reasons why many Real Estate Agents are failing in a booming market.
1) The Home "Sells itself philosophy" (No! People sell things to people period. Buildings, Houses, Condos, Apartments etc.. Don't sell anything) It's up to
the realtor to do that! Besides it's lazy to hold to that philosophy!
2) The photography many realtors use is awful. 97% of the interest in a home comes through the marketing on sites like Zillow, MLS, etc...
Since this is the case why do 95% of the pictures look so terrible? I mean Bad lighting, zero editing, computer CGI type nonsense! It's no wonder that Professional Photos generate 15x the amount of traffic!
3)Showing is not closing! Taking people on a tour of a home is one thing. Closing them is another. Close, Close, Close! Make them put an offer on the table now! It doesn't really matter if their offer is correct or not. Why? Because you can tell them the right offer to put in... And, you know what that correct offer is as their agent. Tell them that they need to act immediately!
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