Monday, August 3, 2015

3 Ideas That Will Change The Way You See Advertising

by david conigliaro

Why do companies still advertise on TV?

I can't figure out why we still see commercials on TV since people pay good money for DVRs to fast forward them. Or at least, commercials as traditionally done. A new survey just came out recently that stated that even if people don't have DVRs; 36% of people will hit the mute button. Simply, so they don't have to hear the commercial. 

What's even more Amazing is a big insurance company that I'll leave unnamed, who advertises on Youtube that says in the first 3 seconds of the Ad.."You can't skip this commercial because it's already over" 

Let me tell you what's over!

Old styles of boring advertising is over!

How about: almost single Car commercial that looks like every other car commercial. That's over!

I'm here to tell you a secret Car Company's
  • You’ve been doing almost all of your ads wrong! 

"The future of advertising that gets watched and shared belongs to the "Story Tellers" People who can connect to their audience. The True Narrators that have their pulse and click value of their consumers."

                                               3 ways To Increase Your Revenue!

Buzz Feed is doing it right!

BuzzFeed’s massive success in video is unquestionable. Currently, the video offshoot of the incredibly popular site dedicated to listicles, animated GIFs, and hard news is generating over 250,000,000 views a month on YouTube alone, and that’s just on its flagshipBuzzFeedVideo channel. If you add up the monthly views from BuzzFeed’s rainbow of brother and sister channels (including Blue, Yellow,VioletPop), that viewership number jumps up to more than half-a-billion. And again, that’s just on YouTube. BuzzFeed execs announced earlier this year that their content is generating over one billion views per month across all of their distribution points and channels. Furthermore, BuzzFeed’s YouTube viewership has grown by over 500% in the last year.

I don't know about you but 250M views per month on one social vehicle sounds awesome to me! 

Before this blog gets too long and drawn out.


Idea 1 

1) Content Sharing is the New Currency! (The Future of advertising belongs to those who can tell the most compelling narrative to their Audience! This is where your hard work gets clicked and shared! 

Idea 2 

2) Knowing The Audience that you're sharing to. (Not selling to.) People hate to be sold something. But, they love to Buy something. People hate to get as Gary V says.."Right Hooked to death" Have you noticed how nobody has time to watch a 30 second commercial but everyone seems to have 30 minutes to watch a "Product Reviews"? It's because Product reviews come accross more authentic and less in your face. And value is being built in it.

Idea 3) 
3) Build Value or shut up! Consumers have way too many options now to be strung along by advertisementS that's
 just like every other product, and ad out there. Build as much value as you can. Make it better. Make your Ads better. In fact that's what this blog post was all about! 


david conigliaro is a Philosopher and Business Strategist that puts Businesses on Steroids 

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