Friday, August 7, 2015

Bulletproof Raises $9 Million For Coffee/Butter Blend Franchises!

 Dave Asprey owner: That is best known as The "Coffee-Butter guy"

Bulletproof, which has a cult-like following, counting celebrities like Jimmy Fallon and Rick Rubin among its fatty coffee believers, hopes to expand beyond its online presence with a series of physical cafes. To fuel that mission, Bulletproof said on Thursday it had raised $9 million from Trinity Ventures, a venture capital firm that was an early investor in Starbucks. 

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Coffee is the cornerstone of Asprey’s empire and its most visible lightning rod. Therecipe, which has attracted fanatical followers as well as plenty of skeptics, requires “upgraded” coffee beans (developed by Asprey), grass-fed butter, and Brain Octane oil, a type of fat derived from coconut and palm kernels.
Asprey preaches the benefits of eating fats like high-quality butter. On the Bulletproof diet, which includes eating fats, proteins, and vegetables, “you feel completely good,” Asprey said.
“You don’t get a crash. You don’t get food cravings two hours later,” he added. “Once you get used to feeling like that, you change how you eat. You change everything to make sure you’re feeling good all the time.”

We will all have to wait and see if coming to your city! 

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