Wednesday, August 5, 2015

America, Meet McDonald’s Self-Service Kiosks

Fast food chains are navigating new ways for customers to order their meals  without having to interact with a cashier. Labor costs are rising, Due to presidential healthcare mandates (ObamaCare)  and consumers are demanding ever faster, more convenient service. At McDonald’s, self-service kiosks are popping up in restaurants in the U.S. after the burger chain saw some success with the machines overseas.
McDonald’s CEO Steve Easterbrook told investors on an earnings call last week that all stores in France now have self-order kiosks, and the machines handle more than 40% of orders during busy hours. He said people like having a self-order option and the additional ordering points free up workers and shorten the line at the counter.

                                      How To Triple Business In Days!
Another advantage: Customers order more via kiosk. It’s a behavior that other chains, such as Taco Bell, also have noticed when customers place orders themselves via mobile app.
“We see higher average checks,” said Easterbrook. “They can browse the menu for a little bit longer, feel a little less pressure and they just tend to spend more.”

 Here's My Take:  david conigliaro's take 
Here's yet another example of the government being out of step with business. Insurance companies being out of step. And, Employees being out of step for the following reasons.

1) Obamacare. Or mandatory forced-Care. Whatever you want to call it. Fact is,  for employers to provide this to all employees was a financial disaster. But, don't just take my word for it. READ HERE CNBC   talking about how bad it's taken a toll on business. Not to mention other rising costs food, gas, electric, and a lower valued dollar. The Dollar is now worth 86 cents! So much for the "dollar menu!

2) $15 per hour Issue:  If Employees want $15 per hour that means that their skill set better match that issue! For example: If let's say, someone wants double their hourly wage, that would mean that they should be 40% more productive at work. It's commonsense that if one person produces more for a company or team, they should earn more money.
 Lebron James earns more money than Joe Harris who also plays on the same team. In fact, Lebron earns 23x more than Harris! Why? Because he produces more. And, brings a ton more money for the franchise. So James' worth for a employer is of far more value due to his contribution! His paycheck is determined by what he brings in for the owners etc...  

3) Insurance Is Too High: Whether it be Healthcare, Work Comp, Disability, Theft, or Property damage, The Costs are way too high! After you factor these 3 points I've outlined in; It's no wonder why Mcdonald's is now offering a "Order at the kiosks option.     

david conigliaro is a Business strategist that puts companies on Steroids! videos

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