Monday, August 10, 2015

5 Ways To Beat Your Competition

My Top 5 Ways To Beat Your Competition

I'm going to skim over these for the sake of time but you'll get what I mean.

You've Probably Heard People Say: Crush Them! Stomp Them! Get Rid Of Them!

Yeah maybe back in the early 90s this was a pretty good philosophy to use. But that died with M.C Hammer. So Let's Leave it there


New stats are coming in every quarter on "Average" Americans.
Let's define our terms by what we mean by 'Average'. Quick point: Even though the West is still outpacing developing countries in many areas in business, science, and infrastructure, this is no cause for celebration. 

Why? Because given the amount hunger people have in developing countries, and their discipline; couple that by American's lacking drive, due to being creatures of comfort, excess, and laziness. Only adds to the mediocrity we're seeing in the West.

For example:  I just recently heard a statistic that suggests that in a survey of the population of the U.S an Average American only reads 1 book per year. To make matters worse the hottest book sales right now are in romance novels. That's absurd!

I find this information to be a double edged sword of good and bad news. On one hand every answer and solution to every single problem a person has is contained in you guessed it books! Think of that for a moment. Can you think of any book whether it's Business, Sales, Time management, Goal setting, Marketing, Branding, Leadership, Mergers etc that isn't answered and solved from books?

                               3 ways to put your Business on Steroids 

Moreover, Information inside books make your skill sets much more valuable because you have read them. But on the other side of this sword is your sad so- called competition. If these stats are true that the average American only reads one book per year. And it's only a romance novel. Then that means that you have no competition! By simply reading just 12 books on business per year you will be 12x a head of the pack!

1) Read Books on Solving Problems. ( Unless you're a soap star, or work in some type of film,  business. I'd stay away from novels all together. Because they're most likely not going to help your business, sales, or revenue)  

2) Stay Current! I can't stress this enough! (The Google Rank Of Top 100 Companies Are Staying Current. This is a Good Trend To Follow!) 

NUMBER THREE: This Will Take A Second To Unpack!

What is it?

If you have any self-destructive addictions like Alcohol, Drugs, Lust pornography, Gambling, or frequent lying  
for example; Let me be clear..."YOU WILL NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL! 

Think about that for a secondEvery addiction that you have is blocking you, keeping you, preventing you and ultimately stopping you from success at every turn. 

IT'S NOT A PACKAGE DEAL. You can't have it all.

Why? Because SUCCESS is like a firm standing house built on a solid foundation, grounded in, and cemented "to, for the the LONG HAUL. 

Christians for thousands of years have had an answer to this problem that has plagued mankind over ever religion in existents.

As the famous Scottish theologian Thomas Chalmers' put it, He called it, " The Expulsive Power Of A New Affection."

Put simply, By The Christian's love for Christ above all else, made his or her love for everything else pale in comparison. The new affection drove out the old one. Thus making all the difference in the world.

This is the way out for destructive addiction that keeps us chained down to mediocrity, failure, fallenness and slavery!   The explosive and Expulsive power of a new affection. My video seminar: VIDEO

David Conigliaro is CEO of two companies. Premium Services and Conigliaro Group and he is also a business consultant Link: VIDEOS 

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