Sunday, September 21, 2014

3 Myths About Your Job Search

In the movie the Matrix, Neo is presented with a choice from Morpheus. Take one of 2 pills. One pill if taken represents reality. The other the artificially designed world Neo has only ever known, The Matrix. 

I think this is a great analogy to describe job searches, and hunting in the local present economy. On one hand you have the idea of..

1)Send in Resume
2)Fill out application 
3)Meet with middle management 
4)Rinse, wash and repeat 

This is terrific! If it's 1995 that is!
Look, It might be time for a Reality check. The old way of sending in a boring resume, and sighting all of a person's educational facts is dead!

Why? Because,  today everyone has a college degree. Or multiple degrees for that matter. Now don't misunderstand me. I love education. I have a passion for continued post high school education.  We should all remain students for the rest of our lives. And, never stop learning. It's our God given and righteous command to keep growing intellectually.

But , the issue for the job hunter is the fact that everyone is smart. Everyone has college degrees today. And unfortunately the majority of those degrees aren't even related to the job they're trying to obtain. And if that's the case.. WHY PUT IT IN THE RESUME IN THE FIRST PLACE? 

Tell you another point about the job matrix. I was just on a 30 minute program mysel, speaking to audience. And at no time did anyone ask me, "What school I graduated from, or for that matter, what my GPA was while I attended." Because it was irrelevant to the issue. The topic was, "Can you help us to get out of this mess we're in?"

CEO's of companies are the same way. 

They want to have confidence that the person they hire will perform at a level 10. If the Resume/Application  isn't answering that question don't send it in. 

Some Ideas For Those Searching For Work

1)Market yourself (tell the company why it would be a financial mistake  not to hire you. Note:Companies are looking for people who can shoulder so much responsibility that they could run the entire business one day.

2)Cut through the racket. (Get their attention and keep it. Have the confidence to show them that they need you more than you need the job. Don't be rude or arrogant here. And don't come across like the average 18-29 year old. EG like they're just soooo deeeep and complicated -that's why nobody gets them. Or Hires them for that matter.

oh please, save it for Facebook. 

Be sure to check my web page Lot's of Free stuff. Cheers

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


The Best Leadership is a characteristic.  

Article Bryant Nielson

First, let's talk about leadership traits or characteristics. There are many schools of thought on which traits make the best leaders, but the most common traits tend to make sense. One trait is a sense of adventure or exploration - that's not to say that each person has to be a Sir Edmund Hilary.

It means that leaders seek out the answers in their environment, whether it's Arctic exploration or the assembly line in a manufacturing company. Not only is there an urge to explore, but there's also a need or desire to innovate the findings. So leaders strive to determine why things work, but also want to improve them, to make them different, to make them new.

Leaders must have an ability to influence through persuasion - this doesn't necessarily mean that each person will have a charismatic, verbal approach to persuasion, it just means that each leader, in his or her own way, will be able to influence people.
Another common characteristic to leaders is the courage to speak out - if leaders see through their exploration that things could be different, they are going to say something about it instead of sitting on that bit of information.

 Leaders also have a strong belief and enthusiasm in themselves and what they and their organizations are doing. These are not superhuman traits and characteristics. These are also not characteristics that one is born with or not - for example, if you grew up in an environment where risk-taking was considered foolish, you may not have a belief in yourself as a risk taker. But, in the right environment, who knows what your capabilities are?

So we've seen that leadership characteristics are most likely inherent and can be developed in the right environment. But how do we learn leadership?

First of all, we learn leadership through observation and emulation. A potential leader will be on the constant lookout for someone to emulate - and it's your responsibility to lead the way. Some leaders learn through trial and error - think about the number of well-known inventors, authors, and even actors who have been rejected over and over again. With each rejection, these leaders adjusted something about their approach.

Leaders learn through taking risks - potential leaders have already taken the time to examine their surroundings and look for ways to innovate. Taking the risk means a leader will speak out, persuade, or just make the change that leads to innovation. Finally, leaders learn through constant self-development. Leaders and potential leaders know that learning and development is a lifetime thing - it doesn't stop when one reaches a goal or a plateau. And leaders are on the lookout for ways to develop at all times.

We're all born with potential - and we can all develop the traits of leadership. That's where you come in. You must create an environment that encourages leaders to be made, otherwise your leaders will rot on the vine or seek out environments that are conducive to their development. How can you provide the right environment and the right stimulus to "make" leaders?

There are many ways to encourage a leader-based and entrepreneurial environment. First, you must constantly encourage people to take action. Remember that speaking out is a leadership characteristic - your encouragement will allow people to challenge the status quo, innovate old ways of doing things, and to persuade you and others to follow them. In the same vein, you must persist with ideas that come to you.

When people begin speaking out, insist that they champion the idea. When the idea gets to your level, you must persist as well. What about failure? The culture you're in should tolerate failure - not reward it, but tolerate it. That is to say, failure causes people to analyze the situation and fix the mistake. When innovation occurs, reward and promote the innovators. Many organizations fall into the trap of promoting because of time served or functional knowledge. If you are going to set up an environment that promotes leadership, you must promote the ones who speak out and make change - the ones who innovate.

An interesting, and sometimes difficult, way to promote the making of leaders is to allow the "skunkworks". When Lockheed was developing some of its groundbreaking aircraft, such as the P-38 and the U2, the "skunkworks" was an unofficial group that was pretty much free of red tape and free to work on secret projects. Management did not intervene as innovators got together under the radar to work on successful projects. How does this apply to you?

Be aware that innovators will always be on the lookout for other innovators - don't try to sanction or sponsor every team. In this environment, the "skunkworks" will allow leaders and potential leaders to speak out, try new things, and look for new ways to innovate. Finally, you can provide an environment that promotes informality, both physically and emotionally. Try to knock down some of the old hierarchies that kept people from communicating - at the same time, make sure your physical space encourages hallway meetings, collaboration, and team interaction.
Leaders are definitely made - not born. But the environment will determine whether potential leaders can develop their talents - and it's your responsibility to provide it.

Article Bryant Nielson

Check out for proven Leadership training

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Attractive Businessman: A Guide On How To Text Your Client'sPersuasively

 The Attractive Businessman: A Free Report Guide For How To Text Your Clients  Persuasively.

As you know, there are quite a few ways to reach out to current and potential customers. But, some are far more efficient and cost effective than others. While many businesses focus on things like advertisements in newspapers, on billboards, in on television and the radio, they miss out on one of the most popular mediums in the world. The Billions of people that have cell phones, and they take them wherever they go. 

If you want to personally reach your target audience, the best way to do that is through sms text message marketing!

In todays economy It doesn't make sense why companies still advertise on Television, and News papers.

 Maybe you have noticed with the rise of commercial opt out services like Netflix, Hulu, and many others, people are no longer are watching televised commercials. In fact they're paying to avoid ads all together. According the research, people between the ages of 18-29 even if the T.V is on are multi-tasking.

That's right. They have their phone in hand checking Facebook, Twitter, Emails, and yes Texting at the same time, while also having the T.V on. So the T.V is really just background noise. Unless, of course it's the Super Bowl, where people look forward to the one day per year that multimillion dollar Ads will be running. The rest of the 364 days per year most aren't paying attention to the commercials.

 It would seem like a waste of money for a business, spending it on T.V spots when hardly anyone is listening and watching. And don't get me started on News paper ads. 

Why? Hardly anyone is picking up News papers anymore. (Except for coupon clipping on Sunday's) And, even out of the small percentage of people who are still picking up a copy of a paper; the percentage that even looks beyond the headlines at ads has to be below 5% readership. So either way, spending money on ads in the news paper is dated. This is the old way of advertising. And nobody thinks this is the future of advertising. 

 Texting on the other hand, is unique. It's a fresh new method for reaching target specific buyers and sellers Immediately. And it's free to do from your own phone. Or you can hire a texting company. Like club texting, or ezTexting although I don't recommend doing that if you're just starting this type of marketing since you can't control the tempo of the conversation and adapt to customer exchanges and so forth. 

The psychology of buying

Every decision a person makes for buying a product or service, is more often than not based on emotion; not logic. We make buying decisions on the time for emotional reasons. We are emotionally charged buyers from eating what we eat, to where we eat, to phones we buy. Do we even really "Need" a Phone or is it we simply "want" a phone? 

And, if you're being honest; this goes for the majority, if not all the products and services you offer to your clients and customer as well. Does anyone need a HD Flat screen? Of course not. Does anyone need high speed internet? No. How about a  Brand new Lexus? For thousands of years people seemed to have survived just fine with all those mentioned.

Before Steve Jobs came up with the first IPhone, he was in a very hostile cell phone market to compete with. Everyone told Apple, "Don't make a phone! .. There's too much competition! This will be the end of your company Steve!"... Well, they did have a small point. After all, Apple was going head to head with Sprint, Nokia, and with Samsung on the rise. So  they might have had a point. But Steve Jobs never listened to nay-Sayers. He was a visionary. 

Like most visionaries, they don't listen to that pack. For to them, the pack-is-the-pack of followers.  For Steve Jobs, he said that.. I wanted to design a phone so sexy, that people would want to lick the buttons on it."  And as you know history was on Apple's side.

Chances are if you're reading this report, you're not a huge corporation. Even though the points in this could work for a large company. This is mostly written for small business, and medium size companies, and sales people attempting to have a better relationship with their clients and customers.

 Steve Jobs from Apple didn't invent the text message. But they did make texting easier, simple, and automatic for the customer. You don't have to reinvent the wheel either.

 A couple things you need to know about texting your customers and clients!

 First, Some people will choose to opt out from receiving any more texts about your offers. Depending on the law where you live you will have to bare this in mind and comply. In this report I will go over a game plan for avoiding this to keep it above the 90% success rate.

 So, we will discuss text messaging in the following grading scale. This is the subjective grading scale I have come up with for sending a text message to your customers and clients.

  Text grading scale
1) So-So text  2)Good text  3) Great text   

Here is an example of a so-so text message and why. 

Pizza Company: 

"Come in for a free slice of Pizza Tuesday from 5pm-7pm" txt opt out to stop receiving txts.

It's so-so because it's not relational. One thing we know about people is that we are relational. We like the sense of connection. Here is a better text. Category "good"  

Pizza Company:

"Hi there, don't be a stranger! We have a free slice of pizza on Tuesday evening. 5-7pm" opt out to stop receiving texts.

This is better but they're still running the risk of having 20% or more opting out from receiving any more texts from them. Here's the "great" way to text and communicate the same message.

Pizza company:

"I have a free slice of Pizza for you on Tues from 5-7pm! You could opt out on this but why make your tummy go hungry? :)"

The last text message is much better because it's humorous, not pushy, but most importantly it offers something people want. 

Here's another one that I use personally. And, it works like a charm when I'm talking with a client/customer that I've already met.

Me: Premium Services  

"Hi crazy lady, What kind of trouble are you causing this week? :)" David Conigliaro

The reason this opener is so effective is due to its charm. And believe me, It works like a charm.
A weaker opener would have been.. "Hi, What's up? We miss you. Text me. David Conigliaro"

This is a terrible opener that comes across clingy, desperate, and self-focused. It sounds like I could care less about them. And, with an opening like that I might have added. "Hi, What's up? We miss you. And, by the way, that's your fault. David Conigliaro

You don't want to come across self-focused. If you have made mistakes like this in the past, it's not the end of the world. Let me give you a following example.

Premium Services: 

"Hi Jack, I haven't seen you in a while. Wanted to follow up with you. Call me: David Conigliaro."

Now, this isn't terrible. But, It fails to meet the grade in other areas. By saying.."...I haven't seen you in a while." This can be misunderstood by Jack, as "Why are you avoiding me?" 

This is precisely what we want to avoid here. After I didn't hear back from Jack for a day. I wrote the following text to him. "The reason I text you earlier is that, I really enjoyed our last talk about boating. You seem to know your stuff about boats. Hope you're well. David"

I dug myself out of a hole with the second text I sent. In order to have done this with our customer, I had to recall to my memory my last engaging conversation with Jack, and hope, it would do the trick. Thankfully it worked. The opening of your text is everything.  This brings me to a third point.  

Note Taking!

Pick yourself up a spiral notebook. They only cost around a dollar at Wal-Mart. Even though I enjoy using gadgets like computers, Ipads, smart phones etc. Nothing has produced more fruit than writing ink to paper. It enables me to recall things to my mind much faster. And it allows me to dig myself out of a hole much faster too. As we had seen earlier with Jack. Here's an example of note taking that I might use.

Sept. 13th. Client: Jack Cruise. Topic of conversation:

Fishing boats: Jack had said he has owned 2 boats in his life but, was looking to upgrade to a 30 footer due to it handling much better in rougher waters. He has a daughter age 16 and son age 19. He is 3 years away from retiring. And his home will be paid off in 2018 

This is valuable information. Because, I can now talk about raising teenagers with Jack. I can discuss mortgages, and housing options with him. I can also discuss future ideals with him. E.G Life after retirement. There are many avenues I can go down with Jack in texting him now. I can't stress how important note taking is. This one thing of writing notes down only takes me 2 minutes. But is worth thousands of dollars. 

Here is a good illustration of how note taking could work out here with Jack.  Text: "Jack, I wanted to see if I could get some advice from you about retirement. Since you're a little closer than I am buddy smile. Do you have 5 minutes today?"

Now Jack is going to be happy to give me advice about retirement. And, he's going to feel honored and respected that I had thought highly enough of him to ask. Plus, he's going to give me more information that I can put in my notes. The key here is to always be listening for problems that your customer has. Then you can offer solutions for him or her. And yes you'll benefit greatly, all from simply taking notes.

I have made hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years using text messaging. But, it was through smart text messaging. You can too! 

Here's another text message. That's just So-So


"Dear customer, your bill is coming due. You can access your account @ my T-Mobile"

This might actually be a terrible text message not just so-so. It almost comes across insulting. It might as well have just as easily read.. "Hey customer, you owe us money and you should go to our website and pay up ASAP"

It amazes me that companies that engage customers like this are still in business.

A better message would have been.


Dear David, I'm sure you're very busy, We have several new benefits for you.  If you have a minute in your week please check out My

With this type of text. It makes one more inclined to take a look at their site.

Here's another.

Real-estate ad:

"Mr. Jones, I found a single family home in a nice part of town you'll be interested in. We need to strike while the irons hot. Hurry b4 it's off the market."

I'm not a fan of "Hurry, Hurry, ads especially when we are talking about moving into a new home. Fact is, during a persons lifetime they move into a new place less than 11 times in their life time. So this is a very big deal to the client. And it should be treated as such.

Better text message would be. 


"Hi, Mr. Jones. I think I found the perfect home for you. I think you'll love the price as well. I checked it out. It's beautiful and ready for your next move." 

That is a much better text message. And it still communicates the urgency. 

Here's another text opener.

Red-box DVD rental machine:

"This month get all your favorite movie rentals 50% off"

This is a great ad because it communicates that all your favorite movies are in their machine and I can get each for around 50cents each! 

Here is another great text that my wife received from 7 Eleven.

"7-11 Offers: Check out this offer, but only if you like things that are delicious, free and satisfy your hunger."

Well done 7-11. That's a great text.

I hope you enjoyed this Free Report. I trust this information will be useful for your text engagements. 

If you found this free report useful and you would like to increase your success in business please subscribe. I promise never to sell your email information. It's safe. I also promise not to bother you with meaninglessness. 

I know you will love our website. 


Be sure to check out my latest articles on "The benefits of small talk."                       




Thursday, September 11, 2014

One Key Factor That Makes Successful People Different From Others

I'm going to cut right to the point here. There are many key factors that makes a person successful, and divorced from the mediocre. But in my 15 plus years business experience on this; plus the research tells us the facts. 

What are they?

If you have any self-destructive addictions like Alcohol, Drugs, Lust pornography, Gambling, or frequent lying  
for example; Let me be clear..."YOU WILL NEVER BE SUCCESSFUL! 

Think about that for a second. Every addiction that you have is blocking you, keeping you, preventing you and ultimately stopping you from success at every turn. 

IT'S NOT A PACKAGE DEAL. You can't have it all.

Why? Because SUCCESS is like a firm standing house built on a solid foundation, grounded in, and cemented "to, for the the LONG HAUL. 

Christians for thousands of years have had an answer to this problem that has plagued mankind over ever religion in existents.

As the famous Scottish theologian Thomas Chalmers' put it, He called it, " The Expulsive Power Of A New Affection."

Put simply, By The Christian's love for Christ above all else, made his or her love for everything else pale in comparison. The new affection drove out the old one. Thus making all the difference in the world.

This is the way out for destructive addiction that keeps us chained down to mediocrity, failure, falleness and slavery!   The explosive and Expulsive power of a new affection. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

5 Simple Things To Shred Your Job Search In Half Guaranteed

I'm going to shoot you straight, and get to the point right now. Job searching is not the rocket science, that so many make it out to be. It's not as complicated as Brain surgery. Nor, is it even, really as complicated as taking your spouse out jewelry shopping!

Why do I say this? Have you been jewelry shopping lately?  The experience is a wonderful crash course in the way the world is, and works.  My wife and I were on a Alaskan  cruise,  we got off in Juno and walked around; and ventured into a jewelry store. The place was clean, and well lit. I enjoyed being in the store because I had the chance to meet this awesome  sales woman.  

She smiled and asked where we were from. Complemented my wife's necklace. And she informed us that she had a beautiful ring in the store that would go with it like the ..."Diamonds are a girls best friend. ."

I didn't mind being sold. After all, Life is selling, and being sold. Besides she (the sales woman)  had one of the greatest openings I've ever heard for closing the deal that I've used hundreds of times since then. She said, with a smile on her face. "This is the right ring for you to get, because, if you want to save money and get more value for your hard earned dollar. This is the one!" I love sales.  And I really love a good and attentive sales person.  

And, this is why I get so irritated with (talking heads) all over the place telling us. "Companies are looking for top graduates, Smart people. "

(SIDE NOTE)  I love education myself, I have nothing against higher learning.  In fact,  I've made it a discipline of mine to never stop learning. Over the last 8 years, I've read on average 41 books per year. Basically that's 8x41 books =328 Thats more books than any Ph.d program in the world. 
So i'm certainly not against "brains" 

But, I want to point out a simple fact. Or, better yet, Ill let cereal business mogal, Grant Cardone do it. He has been on CNN, Fox News,  Fox business. as a economic advisor and business strategist. He says ... "Never once, have I ever been asked by any Network producer what was my grade point average in high school or college. No, they care about one thing. What are you going to say to our viewers? "

Come to think about it, never in my company's 15 year history have I ever been asked by a client, customer, or any deal made, "what was my grade point average?" No. All they care about is, am I component and disciplined enough to make things happen? And see them all the way through? When even I go to hire people, they all seem to want to just flood my desk with resumes, boasting their academic highlights. I don't care about any of that! I care about Leadership, Vision,  Passion,  Loyalty, and my bottom line. 

Which brings me to leadership

Rules of Making Yourself a Better Leader
As you’re working to make yourself better, remember these three rules:

Rule #1 It doesn’t matter where you came from. It only matters where you are going. Don’t worry about any past opportunities that you may have missed or any mistakes you may have made because of a weakness. That is all past. It is the future that counts. Just because you haven’t been a leader before doesn’t mean you cant become one.

Rule #2 If you want your life to get better, you have to get better. If you want to be an effective leader, then you need to develop your leadership qualities. Work on developing any quality that you think you need whether it is integrity, patience, or delegation, until you have perfected it, then move on and practice another.

Rule #3 You can learn anything that you want to learn. You can become anything you want to become. Leaders know what they want, and then set out about making it happen.

How to Become a Better Leader
Effective leaders are always looking to improve themselves. In four basic steps, you can begin to improve and become a better leader right now:

4) Do more of certain things. Do more of those things that are of greater value to you and more important to achieving results as a leader.

Resolve today to do more reading, or to work on improving on the leadership qualities you may be missing.

5) Do less of certain things. At the same time, you must deliberately decide to reduce the amount of time you spend on certain activities that impede your success as a leader.

David Conigliaro Is A Business Strategist Who's Focus Is Helping Business Owners, And Sales People Increase Their Sales, By Proven Philosophical Tactics and Strategy


Addictions of Failures Vs. The Successful

No surprise that people who have distracting addictions are never successful. If you have a distracting addiction, You don't stand a chance against those who don't. 

But, perhaps the most powerful method of stimulating creative thinking is called “mind-storming,” or the 20-idea method. More people have become wealthy, including myself, using this idea more than any other method of creative thinking ever discovered.

In fact, this technique alone could enable you to gain financial independence.

The method is simple.  Take any problem or goal that you have and write it at the top of a sheet of paper in the form of a question. For example, if your goal is to double your income over the next 12 months, then you would write, “How can I double my income over the next 12 months?” You then discipline yourself to write at least 20 answers to that question.

"For every difficulty that supposedly stops a person from succeeding there are thousands who have had it a lot worse and have succeeded anyway". So can you.

"I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often." Brian Tracy

Take regular time-outs to relax and reflect on your goals and the obstacles that are holding you back from achieving them. During these times of relaxation, ideas will often pop into your mind that can save you hours, days, and sometimes years of hard work.

Review Of The Book: Every Good Endeavor by Tim Keller

New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller shows how God calls each of us to express meaning and purpose through our work and careers.

Book Review by Jim Firnstahl

This thoughtful and important work is a must-read for every marketplace Christian. It is a meaningful perspective on faith and work life integration. One example is Keller's definition of vocation:
"A job is a vocation only if someone else calls you to do it and you do it for them rather than for yourself...our work can be a calling only if it is reimagined as a mission of service to something beyond merely our own interests."
Conversely, Keller argues that when work becomes a pursuit of self-fulfillment or self-realization it "slowly crushes a person."

What I appreciate most about this book is that it values honesty in its discussion of the workplace. Keller is willing to acknowledge that like life itself, there is much disappointment and frustration in the typical career. He does not sidestep this reality and gains credibility for doing so.
In order to have a balanced view of work, Keller believes one must see work as part of God's plan to bring about "a future healed world." It also helps if one can get a handle on the biblical answers to three key questions.

Why do you want to work?
The first section entitled "God's Plan For Work" is a spiritual discussion we have grown accustomed to: God ordained work as good and even indispensible in the beginning (Genesis); Human transgressions have turned it into ... real work with exhaustion and frustration. Unfortunately, this super positive view of the origin of work seems to add to the real frustration that we experience in the workplace everyday. Nevertheless origins are essential to gaining perspective and Keller is balanced, if not unimaginative, in his explanation.

Why is it so hard to work?
This question informs the section entitled: "Our Problems With Work." This is my favorite by far and may be worth the price of the book. Now we are talking reality and hearing real-world experience. I am guessing this section reflects both the personal and pastoral experience of Dr. Keller. It reflects the critical reality of the workplace: Even if I bring the most positive and biblically informed view of work to my workplace, I am surrounded by fallen and unconvinced souls who do not always value dignity, meaning, or God. For most people in the world, work is not an uplifting experience. In Keller's words, work can be: fruitless, pointless, selfish, and it can even reveal our idols.

But there is hope. Keller is a pastor after all and he wants us to see the hope in Jesus' Gospel. A hope which stems from an understanding that ultimately things will be put right by God Himself. So what if we began to view "work as partnering with God in His love and care for the world" as it is today? Would this perspective make things perfect? No, but it would keep us centered on God's perspective, giving us "a particularly sensitive new moral compass," and perhaps even "radically change our motives for work and fill us with a new and durable inner power that will be with us through thick and thin."

How can we overcome the difficulties and find satisfaction in our work?
The third section, "The Gospel and Work" asks us to consider how our "worldview" might help us develop a "new story" for our work. As a Christian, I should understand that "the whole world is good" but that " the whole world is fallen" and "the whole world is going to be redeemed."
Keller develops some helpful and practical ideas for applying the Gospel in business, addressing specifically the domains of business, journalism, education, the arts, and medicine. The perspective this section advocates is that it helps us to see ourselves not only as working with God but also with others. We share a "common grace" whereby "God blesses all people, so that Christians can benefit from and cooperate with-non-Christians."
In the final three chapters of the book, Keller offers "A New Conception of Work" (integration vs. dualism), "A New Compass for Work" (living Christian virtues) and "A New Power for Work" (wisdom and passion).

I highly recommended book because it properly defines the difficult realities of the workplace and suggests possible approaches to integrate faith and work. A refreshing read when compared to the more common ones.

What Success Leaders Would Do Different If They Had a Time Machine

I was recently presented with a question. That I wanted to take my time to answer. The questioner asked, "If you were 18 years old again, knowing what you know now what would you do differently?'  

Here are 5 insights that I would say to answer that question. With some quotes.

1) ) “Though it can be tough, force yourself to be in situations where you feel like the dumbest person in the room. Constantly surround yourself with people smarter than you, but don’t allow it to intimidate you; instead, use it as an opportunity to learn.” - Nick Arnett, Summit Community Development Manager 

2)If I had been focused on my future, I may never have had this one. If I had been focused on foundations, I may never have built one. If I had been focused on success, I may never have achieved it. You have to do what you love because you love it and not for any other reason. And so I have nothing to teach my eighteen-year old self because it’s my eighteen-year-old self that my present-day self should be learning from.” - Neil Strauss

3)  “Be unapologetically true yourself, both in business and in life, and broadcast who you are to the world. But for God sake, Make sure that it's a moral and ethical good for the world.  The right people will eventually find you.”

4) “If I could have done one thing at 18 to better my foundation for success, I would have become an apprentice. I would have spent a lot of time reflecting on areas that fired me up, and then I would have found those who were absolutely CRUSHING it in these fields. I would rank them sequentially, and then reach out to them individually describing in detail how I could ADD VALUE to their lives in exchange for learning from them. Would I get a lot of no’s? YES. Would I keep persevering until I found a mentor? YES. What you put out in the universe becomes a magnet…and this magnet would result in a powerful mentor to guide me through my late teens, early 20′s.” - John Lee

5) “If I could have taught myself one thing, it would have been how to get over my early fear of cold calling and cold approaching individuals I don’t know. So many of The Muse’s biggest successes are due to cold outreach, and I wish I’d forced myself to get comfortable with this a lot sooner!” - Kathryn Minshew

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Myths About Self-Improvement And a Better Way Forward


Do you ever hear people say things like, "You need to compare yourself with the great succesful people of the world. That's how you will truly be self improved?" 

Maybe you have even said this yourself. It might have a little merit but it has some draw backs to it. Here are a few of the draw backs 

1) By comparing yourself to the "Others", you can fall into the category of the psedo- you. This is a person who tries to literally "be" that person or people they aspire to. Problem is, they have their own gifts, talents, life experiences, and genetic wiring that had made them. You on the other hand. Have your own traits, gifts, experiences and so on.  

2) Depression that one feels after copying the person they're trying to be like. How many times have you said.."I copied word for word what my "idle" says he says to clients on the phone. But it didn't work for me.?" Of course. You're most likely in totally different businesses. Different client problems to help solve. And, even if you are in the same line of work. Your clients might be in a different part of the world than your idle's are to which they hear, and respond to things differently. 

A Better WAY 

I'm going to relate it this way. It is useless to be competitive with anyone but yourself. If you compete only with yourself, you'll always be driven to try harder the next time. Here's The perfect example is the burnt-out employee. Have you ever heard this statement: "It's time for me to look for a better job, I've had it with this one, it's boring"? Sure you have, you may even have said it. 
But in the words of Tremendous: "Don't look for a better job, do a better job at what you're doing now! If you do a better job, you'll have a better job, without having to look for a better job, and the truly better jobs will automatically come looking for you."

David Conigliaro Is A Business Strategist Who's Focus Is Helping Business Owners, And Sales People Increase Their Sales, By Proven Philosophical Tactics and Strategy

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Average American Only Reads 1 Book Per Year. Vs The Average Millionaire

The average American only reads 1single book per year. And, yet they will spend countless hours-watching 900 plus YouTube videos. And, If that news wasn't sad enough; I heard that the largest book sales in the U.S are romance novels! 

This should not be the case!
Fact is, Leaders are Readers

One of my favorite quotes is from the late Charlie Tremendous Jones
"Remember, you are the same today as you will be in five years, except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read. Choose both carefully."That's  great advice.

Reading builds your mind and expands your thinking. In a world where the average American reads one book a year, if you read just one book a month you'll be ahead of the pack 12 fold. Remember though, that you have to think about what you read. Apply it to your life and realize how it could impact your own experiences. Learn from it. Finally, share it. 

Knowledge is nothing if it is not given away. If you give because you have, you'll develop a greater capacity to give. Share everything you learn and always be thankful. The first sign of greatness is thankfulness.

David Conigliaro Is A Business Strategist Who's Focus Is Helping Business Owners, And Sales People Increase Their Sales, By Proven Philosophical Tactics and Strategy