Thursday, September 4, 2014

Myths About Self-Improvement And a Better Way Forward


Do you ever hear people say things like, "You need to compare yourself with the great succesful people of the world. That's how you will truly be self improved?" 

Maybe you have even said this yourself. It might have a little merit but it has some draw backs to it. Here are a few of the draw backs 

1) By comparing yourself to the "Others", you can fall into the category of the psedo- you. This is a person who tries to literally "be" that person or people they aspire to. Problem is, they have their own gifts, talents, life experiences, and genetic wiring that had made them. You on the other hand. Have your own traits, gifts, experiences and so on.  

2) Depression that one feels after copying the person they're trying to be like. How many times have you said.."I copied word for word what my "idle" says he says to clients on the phone. But it didn't work for me.?" Of course. You're most likely in totally different businesses. Different client problems to help solve. And, even if you are in the same line of work. Your clients might be in a different part of the world than your idle's are to which they hear, and respond to things differently. 

A Better WAY 

I'm going to relate it this way. It is useless to be competitive with anyone but yourself. If you compete only with yourself, you'll always be driven to try harder the next time. Here's The perfect example is the burnt-out employee. Have you ever heard this statement: "It's time for me to look for a better job, I've had it with this one, it's boring"? Sure you have, you may even have said it. 
But in the words of Tremendous: "Don't look for a better job, do a better job at what you're doing now! If you do a better job, you'll have a better job, without having to look for a better job, and the truly better jobs will automatically come looking for you."

David Conigliaro Is A Business Strategist Who's Focus Is Helping Business Owners, And Sales People Increase Their Sales, By Proven Philosophical Tactics and Strategy

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