Tuesday, September 9, 2014

What Success Leaders Would Do Different If They Had a Time Machine

I was recently presented with a question. That I wanted to take my time to answer. The questioner asked, "If you were 18 years old again, knowing what you know now what would you do differently?'  

Here are 5 insights that I would say to answer that question. With some quotes.

1) ) “Though it can be tough, force yourself to be in situations where you feel like the dumbest person in the room. Constantly surround yourself with people smarter than you, but don’t allow it to intimidate you; instead, use it as an opportunity to learn.” - Nick Arnett, Summit Community Development Manager 

2)If I had been focused on my future, I may never have had this one. If I had been focused on foundations, I may never have built one. If I had been focused on success, I may never have achieved it. You have to do what you love because you love it and not for any other reason. And so I have nothing to teach my eighteen-year old self because it’s my eighteen-year-old self that my present-day self should be learning from.” - Neil Strauss

3)  “Be unapologetically true yourself, both in business and in life, and broadcast who you are to the world. But for God sake, Make sure that it's a moral and ethical good for the world.  The right people will eventually find you.”

4) “If I could have done one thing at 18 to better my foundation for success, I would have become an apprentice. I would have spent a lot of time reflecting on areas that fired me up, and then I would have found those who were absolutely CRUSHING it in these fields. I would rank them sequentially, and then reach out to them individually describing in detail how I could ADD VALUE to their lives in exchange for learning from them. Would I get a lot of no’s? YES. Would I keep persevering until I found a mentor? YES. What you put out in the universe becomes a magnet…and this magnet would result in a powerful mentor to guide me through my late teens, early 20′s.” - John Lee

5) “If I could have taught myself one thing, it would have been how to get over my early fear of cold calling and cold approaching individuals I don’t know. So many of The Muse’s biggest successes are due to cold outreach, and I wish I’d forced myself to get comfortable with this a lot sooner!” - Kathryn Minshew


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