Sunday, September 21, 2014

3 Myths About Your Job Search

In the movie the Matrix, Neo is presented with a choice from Morpheus. Take one of 2 pills. One pill if taken represents reality. The other the artificially designed world Neo has only ever known, The Matrix. 

I think this is a great analogy to describe job searches, and hunting in the local present economy. On one hand you have the idea of..

1)Send in Resume
2)Fill out application 
3)Meet with middle management 
4)Rinse, wash and repeat 

This is terrific! If it's 1995 that is!
Look, It might be time for a Reality check. The old way of sending in a boring resume, and sighting all of a person's educational facts is dead!

Why? Because,  today everyone has a college degree. Or multiple degrees for that matter. Now don't misunderstand me. I love education. I have a passion for continued post high school education.  We should all remain students for the rest of our lives. And, never stop learning. It's our God given and righteous command to keep growing intellectually.

But , the issue for the job hunter is the fact that everyone is smart. Everyone has college degrees today. And unfortunately the majority of those degrees aren't even related to the job they're trying to obtain. And if that's the case.. WHY PUT IT IN THE RESUME IN THE FIRST PLACE? 

Tell you another point about the job matrix. I was just on a 30 minute program mysel, speaking to audience. And at no time did anyone ask me, "What school I graduated from, or for that matter, what my GPA was while I attended." Because it was irrelevant to the issue. The topic was, "Can you help us to get out of this mess we're in?"

CEO's of companies are the same way. 

They want to have confidence that the person they hire will perform at a level 10. If the Resume/Application  isn't answering that question don't send it in. 

Some Ideas For Those Searching For Work

1)Market yourself (tell the company why it would be a financial mistake  not to hire you. Note:Companies are looking for people who can shoulder so much responsibility that they could run the entire business one day.

2)Cut through the racket. (Get their attention and keep it. Have the confidence to show them that they need you more than you need the job. Don't be rude or arrogant here. And don't come across like the average 18-29 year old. EG like they're just soooo deeeep and complicated -that's why nobody gets them. Or Hires them for that matter.

oh please, save it for Facebook. 

Be sure to check my web page Lot's of Free stuff. Cheers

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