Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Average American Only Reads 1 Book Per Year. Vs The Average Millionaire

The average American only reads 1single book per year. And, yet they will spend countless hours-watching 900 plus YouTube videos. And, If that news wasn't sad enough; I heard that the largest book sales in the U.S are romance novels! 

This should not be the case!
Fact is, Leaders are Readers

One of my favorite quotes is from the late Charlie Tremendous Jones
"Remember, you are the same today as you will be in five years, except for two things: the people you meet and the books you read. Choose both carefully."That's  great advice.

Reading builds your mind and expands your thinking. In a world where the average American reads one book a year, if you read just one book a month you'll be ahead of the pack 12 fold. Remember though, that you have to think about what you read. Apply it to your life and realize how it could impact your own experiences. Learn from it. Finally, share it. 

Knowledge is nothing if it is not given away. If you give because you have, you'll develop a greater capacity to give. Share everything you learn and always be thankful. The first sign of greatness is thankfulness.

David Conigliaro Is A Business Strategist Who's Focus Is Helping Business Owners, And Sales People Increase Their Sales, By Proven Philosophical Tactics and Strategy

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